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Rumi Akter
21. апр 2022.
In Lets talk, share and inspire
Industry Specific SaaS Software Setting up an expensive B2C Telemarketing List software project yourself and waiting months for delivery: those times are largely over for many software solutions. Thanks to the adoption of software in the cloud, more and more B2C Telemarketing List industry-specific software is also offered as a standard package. Faster, cheaper, safer and more convenient. For example, we see that ERP packages (software packages for B2C Telemarketing List Enterprise Resource Planning, programs that support multiple business processes) are increasingly kept as 'standard' as possible. The business processes are then further automated B2C Telemarketing List with various 'best of kind' software packages. Also for traditional industries, software packages are appearing with which the SaaS market moves to the next B2C Telemarketing List maturity phase. Also read: Marketing technology in 2022: 5 innovative trends 4. Software development for collecting customer data over the internet The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) offers great opportunities to analyze the B2C Telemarketing List behavior of your (potential) customers and then respond to it. This trend, which stems from the Internet of Things advance, is seen as a serious step towards fully personalized marketing segment of one. YouTube, for example, already uses this by B2C Telemarketing List suggesting videos based on your surfing behavior on the internet. Companies can use IoB to send customers even more specific personalized messages, based on their B2C Telemarketing List behavioral patterns. Think of an ad to promote a surf camp when someone has recently listened to surf playlists. Or a push message to promote the healthy meal from the lunch B2C Telemarketing List place around the corner, after your Fitbit has registered a workout. Future music? That will depend on which privacy users want to give up. The automated collection and analysis of customer behavior is in any case going to take off. Gartner even predicts that within the foreseeable future (2023!) the activities of no less than 40%.

Rumi Akter

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