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Register for the tomorrow’s panel „Play with dad – Learning from the best“

This panel will be in English as we will talk with our international partners. We will discuss macro implications of unequal burden of unpaid care work as well as of policies targeting this issue. In particular – the impact of unpaid care work on economic and social development, gender inequality on labour market, corporate policies to increase inclusiveness and gender equality, and strategies for more equal distribution of unpaid care work (such as 4R Strategy - Recognition, Reduction, Redistribution, Representation).

As Sweden is one of the best world’s examples when it comes to gender equality regarding unpaid care work and parenthood, we will talk both with Swedish Deputy Ambassador to Serbia as well as with Regional HR director of IKEA as the best representative of Swedish system of values in the Serbian market. On the other hand, we will also make comparisons with the UK, as our special guest will be Deputy Ambassador from the British Embassy in Serbia which financially supported this project.

Join us tomorrow at 11am via Zoom platform. You will have an opportunity to hear about the best practices regarding equal parenthood and unpaid care work, but also personal examples of our international guests.


Aleksandra Triantafyllidou

IKEA Regional Director for HR and a member of IKEA board of directors

Joachim Waern

Deputy Swedish Ambassador to Serbia

Rebecca Fabrizi

Deputy British Ambassador to Serbia

Ovaj tekst/analiza/publikacija/video/sadržaj nastao je u okviru projekta „Rodno odgovorno upravljanje – Preraspodela neplaćenog rada”, koji sprovodi Agencija Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena u Srbiji (UN Women), u saradnji sa Koordinacionim telom za rodnu ravnopravnost, a uz podršku Vlade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Britanske ambasade u Beogradu. Stavovi u ovom tekstu (ili drugom sadržaju) pripadaju isključivo autorima i autorkama, i ne predstavljaju nužno stavove UN Women, Vlade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Britanske ambasade.

Illustration from / Icons made by Monkik, Freepik, Good Ware from


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