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AFA postaje globalna organizacija: predstavljamo vam AFA Swiss Hub!

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Švajcarska: mesto gde se rađaju inovacije

Da li ste znali da je Švajcarska najinovativnija zemlja na svetu? Već nekoliko godina unazad, u kontinuitetu je rangirana na vrhu inovativnih ekosistema u Evropi i širom sveta na brojnim rang listama (videti WIPO’s Global Innovation Index ili European Innovation Scoreboard).

Ono što Švajcarsku čini toliko snažnom na polju inovacija su najsavremeniji istraživački pristupi, ljudski resursi, ideje i intelektualna svojina, gde se mogućnosti za celoživotno učenje podstiču uključivanjem kako javnog, tako i privatnog sektora. Iako nije prevelika, Švajcarska je zemlja koja se nalazi među zemljama sa najviše prijavljenih patenata, što slikovito pruža uvid u nivo znanja i tehnoloških rezultata.

Žene u tech oblastima – ogroman potencijal koji AFA Swiss Hub teži da razvija

Uprkos velikom inovacionom potencijalu, nivo učešća žena na polju tehnologije i inovacija u Švajcarskoj je izuzetno nizak. U poređenju sa globalnim prosekom, samo 20% zaposlenih u STEM oblastima u Švajcarskoj su žene, u poređenju sa globalnim prosekom od 31%. Ove vrednosti se gotovo nisu promenile u poslednjih deset godina, uprkos pojavi programa podrške usmerenih ka povećanju učešća žena u tech oblastima.

Inovacioni potencijal, zajedno sa nedostatkom rodnog pariteta u Švajcarskoj, otvaraju veliki prostor za sprovođenje AFA misije ženskog osnaživanja kroz jednako uključivanje žena u polje inovacija i tehnologija na švajcarsko tržište. Kroz niz programa i događaja prilagođenih švajcarskom tržištu, AFA teži da podigne svest o značaju većeg učešća žena u inovacijama i tehnologiji i stvori veće interesovanje za karijeru u STEM oblastima.

AFA na globalnoj sceni

AFA misija u Švajcarskoj se sprovodi iz našeg Swiss Hub-a u Cirihu, kojim rukovodi Sabrina Šilter, AFA Global’s Head of Business Development for the Swiss market.

Pre nego što se pridružila AFA timu, Sabrina je radila u Impact Investing-u, najpre u Credit Suisse-u, a kasnije u perspektivnom FinTech-u, Inyova. Nakon tri godine u industriji finansijskih usluga, odlučila je da je vreme za promenu. Prateći svoju strast za održivim razvojem i osnaživanjem žena, pridružila se AFA timu, gde vodi AFA širenje mreže u Švajcarskoj i posvećeno radi na pozicioniranju AFA na švajcarskom tržištu.

Rezultati posvećenog rada su uvek brzo vidljivi - AFA Swiss Hub je u martu organizovao svoj prvi događaj: hakaton za studentkinje univerziteta na temu Cyber Security-a. Događaj je okupio 38 učesnika, uključujući studente univerziteta u Srbiji i Švajcarskoj, sjajne govornike AFA korporativnih partnera Microsoft Switzerland i TeleGroup Serbia i mnoštvo inspirativnih mentora koji su voditi studentkinje kroz proces razvoja i implementacije ideja.

Hakaton je samo jedan u nizu događaja i inicijativa koje slede: AFA Swiss Hub radi na nizu novih projekata, uključujući širenje AFA flegšip događaja van granica Srbije. Naša dva prepoznatljiva događaja, Women’s Leadership Summit i Global Innovation Forum (ranije Innovation Week), ove godine će po prvi put izaći na globalnu scenu i okupiti sjajne govornike i publiku širom sveta, uključujući stejk holdere iz Švajcarske.

Dugoročno gledano, AFA Swiss Hub biće osnova i polazište za buduće AFA globalne projekte, jer nastavljamo da rastemo izvan srpskih (a sada i švajcarskih) granica.

Pratite novosti o AFA aktivnostima putem našeg Newslettera i pridružite se našim nastojanjima da kreiramo svet jednakih mogućnosti za sve!

AFA is bringing its mission to the global stage: meet AFA Global Swiss Hub!

Switzerland: Innovation Hub

Did you know that Switzerland is the most innovative country in the world? In fact, for several years running, Switzerland has continuously been ranked among the most (if not the number one) innovative ecosystems in Europe and worldwide in a number of rankings (see the WIPO’s Global Innovation Index or the European Innovation Scoreboard).

What makes Switzerland so strong are attractive research systems, human resources and intellectual assets, where lifelong learning opportunities are fostered through both public and private sector involvement. Despite its size, Switzerland ranks among the highest in the number of patent filings, giving insight into the level of knowledge and technology outputs.

Potential to be exploited

Despite its innovation potential however, technology and innovation fields in Switzerland show a remarkably low level of female participation. In fact, compared to the global average, only 20% of STEM employees in Switzerland are female, compared to the global average of 31%. These values have hardly changed in the last ten years, despite the emergence of support programs directed at increasing the level of female participation in related fields.

The innovation potential of Switzerland combined with the lack of diversity in the field makes it the perfect location for AFA to bring its mission of female empowerment through innovation and technology to the Swiss market. Through a number of programs and events tailored to the Swiss context, AFA hopes to raise awareness for the importance of greater female participation in innovation and technology and generate a greater interest for careers in related fields.

AFA goes global

Advancing this agenda, we have our very own representative based in Zurich: Sabrina Schilter, AFA Global’s Head of Business Development for the Swiss market. Before joining AFA, Sabrina worked in Impact Investing, first at Credit Suisse and later at the up-and-coming FinTech, Inyova. After three years in the financial services industry, Sabrina decided it was time for a change in scenery, which is how she came to AFA. With a passion for sustainable development and female empowerment, Sabrina leads AFA’s expansion to Switzerland and is in charge of everything around establishing AFA in the Swiss market.

A reflection of this commitment – AFA Switzerland organized its first event in March: a hackathon for female university students centered around the topic of Cyber Security. The event welcomed 38 participants including university students across Serbia and Switzerland, exciting speakers from our corporate partners Microsoft Switzerland and TeleGroup Serbia and a host of inspiring mentors to guide the students on their idea development.

This hackathon was only one of many events and programs to come: AFA Switzerland is working on a pipeline of exciting initiatives, including bringing some of our events beyond Serbian borders. Our two flagship events, the Women’s Leadership Summit and the Global Innovation Forum (formerly Innovation Week), will in 2021 for the first time take on a global stage and audience, including stakeholders in Switzerland.

In the long term, our AFA hub in Zurich will serve as the base for our global operations, as we continue to grow beyond Serbian (and now Swiss) borders.

Stay tuned for further updates via our newsletter and join our efforts to create a world of equal opportunities for all!

1 Comment

Jul 16, 2021

The news yesterday that Jayon Brown was coming back was very surprising. The more I think about it the more excited I get. Brown has been a really good player for this team. He gives them a versatility at inside linebacker that is tough to find. The Titans still have two huge needs remaining: wide receiver and corner DeMarcus Ware Face Mask. When I reset the needs yesterday morning I felt good about the receivers that were still available. I don feel as good about it anymore The one guy that I really wanted them to sign was Curtis Samuel. That dude can just do so much for you on offense. He signed with Washington last night.…

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